Shankar mahadevan academy address
Shankar mahadevan academy address

Shankar mahadevan academy address registration#

If you are under the age of 13, your parent or guardian's consent is required before you can provide any personal information to us for purposes of registration and/or other online activities. We will take appropriate steps to ensure the security and integrity of any information you provide to us. We never collect more information than what is reasonably necessary to fulfill your requests and our legitimate business objectives. Also, we may request certain demographic information such as your age, and gender. This information may include personal information such as your name, e-mail address, telephone number, and home address. However, you do not need to provide personal information to Clood On in order to use the Web site.Ĭlood On generally only collects personally identifiable information from you when you voluntarily submit it to us when you: register with us enroll in online classes purchase products from any online stores we offer participate in contests, events or promotions send us questions or comments via e-mail and/or, fill out online surveys, or any other requests we make for suggestions or comments about the Web site. If you do not want to submit personal information when requested, you will not be able to access certain areas on our site.

shankar mahadevan academy address

You should, therefore, review it periodically. Also this Privacy Policy does not apply to any information that Clood On may collect from you in any manner other than online.Ĭlood On may revise this Privacy Policy at any time. When you link to any other Web sites from the Web site, this policy no longer applies and Clood On has no control of the activities of those Web sites. Please note that this Privacy Policy applies only to the Web site, and not to other Web sites operated by other companies or organizations to which we may link.

shankar mahadevan academy address shankar mahadevan academy address

Your use of the Web site serves as your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and consent to Clood On 's collection and use of the information you provide as set forth in the Privacy Policy. ("Clood On"), the operator of Shankar Mahadevan Academy. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using ("Web site"), an Internet site maintained by Clood On Musica, Inc.

Shankar mahadevan academy address